Therapy for Young Adults in NY

It can be challenging in your twenties and thirties to make a career choice and to identify what you are seeking from a romantic relationship.

Who do I see myself with as a potential partner, and how do I meet someone, while we still are in a pandemic?

What can I ask of my roommate, and how do I negotiate “house rules,” while I live with someone during these unpredictable times?

Sometimes, internal and external pressures can exacerbate these feelings and add to a feeling of being “stuck.”

Woman on a bench overlooking skyline in NYC - Therapist for young adults NYC

The pandemic has taken a toll on the professional and personal lives of young adults.

Young professionals in a work meeting - Therapy for Young Adults in NYC

In therapy some of the issues that we address are the feeling of being overwhelmed by work and developing strategies to navigate increasing and evolving work demands.

Some of my clients ask me, how do I show my enthusiasm at work, be a team player, learn to assert myself, but also learn how to say “no?”

Developing work and personal boundaries can feel tricky, especially when one is new to the work force or beginning their career.

Other areas of focus include exploring thoughts and emotions associated with switching careers and pursuing graduate school.

Through psychotherapy, I help young adults find and strengthen their voice, explore, and tap into their interests, navigate work and family dynamics, and think about what they want from their work and personal relationships.

Brooklyn Bridge - Therapy for young people in NYC

Ready to begin?

Get in touch to schedule an initial consultation.