Therapy for College Students in NY

Attending college can be an exciting and challenging time.

Learning to live more independently, having a roommate, heavy course loads, building a social life, choosing a major, navigating relationships (including family), and dating, are some of the areas where I help students, as well as managing all of the emotions that accompany these life transitions.

However, since 2020, college students have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, and students are finding that they are mourning the loss of an experience that was stripped away from them, and not by choice.

College textbooks on the grass - therapist for college students in NY

I help college students work through their feelings of sadness, anger, and anxiety, and strategize about how to deal with not having the same “college life experience” that they had hoped for.

College Students in masks on university steps - therapy for college students in New York

This includes addressing feelings about living at home, when they had thought their college experience was going to be living in a dorm or somewhere near campus.

Stressors about becoming sick, concerns about family, how to navigate and maintain independence while living at home, and socializing in the “new normal,” are some of the areas that become the focus of our work.

As students have transitioned back to “in person” classes, the constant possibility of what can change at any moment, brings its own complexities.

Learning online also has taken an emotional and physical toll on college students across the country.

For some of my clients, they have found remote learning to be quite challenging, and they learn better in person.

The students I work with report lacking connection with their professors, feeling distracted, and missing being in class, where they can interact more easily with their instructor and peers.

I also specialize in working with students who have different learning needs, such as attentional issues and other learning challenges, including students who struggle in social situations.

College students on devices - therapist for college students in NYC

Ready to begin?

Get in touch to schedule an initial consultation.