Couples Therapy

In-person in New York City or Teletherapy in NY

During these sessions, I meet with couples weekly for 60 minutes.

In the initial stages, I meet with you and your partner to get a sense of what you want to work on and your goals for therapy, as well as to provide my feedback concerning what could be helpful for our focus in our work together.

As part of couples therapy, I also meet individually with you and your partner, and through collaboration, these sessions can help us focus in on the issues that need to be addressed in our work together.

Couple sitting on a bench in New York City waiting for couples therapy in NY

Couples therapy can help you to connect and communicate better with your partner and to realize what may be contributing to your “negative cycle.”

Couple holding hands ready for couples therapy in New York

Some of the areas that couples therapy can address are:

  • how to manage conflicts when they arise
  • parenting strategies/what to do when you have different parenting styles
  • addressing issues around physical/sexual intimacy
  • how to work through an affair or infidelity
  • how to improve overall communications, including emotional regulation

Ready to begin?

Get in touch to schedule an initial consultation.